La recepción de la ética aristotélica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval, 2021
By: Andrés Martínez Lorca
Title La recepción de la ética aristotélica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval
Translation The reception of the Aristotelian Ethics in Averroes and its influence on trhe medieval latin world
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2021
Journal Endoxa
Volume 48
Pages 15-46
Categories Aristotle, Commentary, Nicomachean ethics, Tradition and Reception, Plato, Albert, Aquinas
Author(s) Andrés Martínez Lorca
El pensamiento ético de Averroes apenas ha sido estudiado y ello a pesar de que es el nico filósofo islámico medieval del que se conserva un Comentario a la principal obra ristotélica sobre el tema, la Ética nicomáquea. El eje del presente trabajo es precisamente un nuevo análisis de ese Comentario a través de los conceptos de eudaimonía o felicidad, philía o amistad y tò díkaion o justicia.Averroes subraya los aspectos sociales y políticos apuntados por Aristóteles llegando a considerar el gobierno de los estados uno de los objetivos de su discurso ético. Asimismo, señala la preocupación de los legisladores por buscar la concordia civil que es considerada el mayor bien en las comunidades. Hay, pues, una conexión entre ética y política. Tiene, sin embargo, la hegemonía la política.Finalmente se considera este aspecto desatendido hasta ahora en la historiografía medieval: fue gracias al pensador andalusí como se produjo en el Occidente latino la recepción de la Ética nicomáquea de Aristóteles, obra que penetró en los círculos filosóficos y también en la cultura bajomedieval. La favorable acogida de los dos rincipales teólogos cristianos de la Edad Media, Alberto Magno y Tomás de Aquino, al Comentario de Averroes, traducido al latín por un obispo, ayudó a su difusión en el mundo medieval y más tarde en el Renacimiento. The ethical thought of Averroes has hardly been studied, and this despite the fact that he is the only medieval islamic philosopher whose Commentary on the main Aristotelian work on the subject, the Nicomachean Ethics, is preserved. The axis of this paper is precisely a new analysis of this Commentary through the concepts of eudaimonía or happiness, philía or friendship and tò díkaion or justice.Averroes underlines the social and political aspects pointed out by Aristotle, considering the government of the states one of the purposes of his ethical discourse. Likewise, he asserts the concern of legislators to seek civil harmony, which is considered the highest good in the communities. There is, consequently, a connection between ethics and politics. However, politics has the hegemony.Finally, is considered this neglected aspect so far in medieval historiography: it was thanks to the Andalusian thinker that was produced in the Latin West the reception of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, a work that entered philosophical circles and also late medieval culture. The favorable reception of the two main Christian theologians of the Middle Ages, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, to the Commentary of Averroes, translated into Latin by a bishop, contributed to its spreading in the medieval world and later the Renaissance.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5565","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5565,"authors_free":[{"id":6459,"entry_id":5565,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":756,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca","free_first_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez ","free_last_name":"Lorca","norm_person":{"id":756,"first_name":"Andr\u00e9s","last_name":"Mart\u00ednez Lorca","full_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1047955687","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/51730671","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca"}}],"entry_title":"La recepci\u00f3n de la \u00e9tica aristot\u00e9lica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"The reception of the Aristotelian Ethics in Averroes and its influence on trhe medieval latin world","main_title":{"title":"La recepci\u00f3n de la \u00e9tica aristot\u00e9lica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval"},"abstract":"El pensamiento \u00e9tico de Averroes apenas ha sido estudiado y ello a pesar de que es el nico fil\u00f3sofo isl\u00e1mico medieval del que se conserva un Comentario a la principal obra ristot\u00e9lica sobre el tema, la \u00c9tica nicom\u00e1quea. El eje del presente trabajo es precisamente un nuevo an\u00e1lisis de ese Comentario a trav\u00e9s de los conceptos de eudaimon\u00eda o felicidad, phil\u00eda o amistad y t\u00f2 d\u00edkaion o justicia.Averroes subraya los aspectos sociales y pol\u00edticos apuntados por Arist\u00f3teles llegando a considerar el gobierno de los estados uno de los objetivos de su discurso \u00e9tico. Asimismo, se\u00f1ala la preocupaci\u00f3n de los legisladores por buscar la concordia civil que es considerada el mayor bien en las comunidades. Hay, pues, una conexi\u00f3n entre \u00e9tica y pol\u00edtica. Tiene, sin embargo, la hegemon\u00eda la pol\u00edtica.Finalmente se considera este aspecto desatendido hasta ahora en la historiograf\u00eda medieval: fue gracias al pensador andalus\u00ed como se produjo en el Occidente latino la recepci\u00f3n de la \u00c9tica nicom\u00e1quea de Arist\u00f3teles, obra que penetr\u00f3 en los c\u00edrculos filos\u00f3ficos y tambi\u00e9n en la cultura bajomedieval. La favorable acogida de los dos rincipales te\u00f3logos cristianos de la Edad Media, Alberto Magno y Tom\u00e1s de Aquino, al Comentario de Averroes, traducido al lat\u00edn por un obispo, ayud\u00f3 a su difusi\u00f3n en el mundo medieval y m\u00e1s tarde en el Renacimiento.\r\n\r\nThe ethical thought of Averroes has hardly been studied, and this despite the fact that he is the only medieval islamic philosopher whose Commentary on the main Aristotelian work on the subject, the Nicomachean Ethics, is preserved. The axis of this paper is precisely a new analysis of this Commentary through the concepts of eudaimon\u00eda or happiness, phil\u00eda or friendship and t\u00f2 d\u00edkaion or justice.Averroes underlines the social and political aspects pointed out by Aristotle, considering the government of the states one of the purposes of his ethical discourse. Likewise, he asserts the concern of legislators to seek civil harmony, which is considered the highest good in the communities. There is, consequently, a connection between ethics and politics. However, politics has the hegemony.Finally, is considered this neglected aspect so far in medieval historiography: it was thanks to the Andalusian thinker that was produced in the Latin West the reception of Aristotle\u2019s Nicomachean Ethics, a work that entered philosophical circles and also late medieval culture. The favorable reception of the two main Christian theologians of the Middle Ages, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, to the Commentary of Averroes, translated into Latin by a bishop, contributed to its spreading in the medieval world and later the Renaissance.","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"Spanish","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.5944\/endoxa.48.2021 (refers to the whole volume)","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":21,"category_name":"Aristotle","link":"bib?categories[]=Aristotle"},{"id":23,"category_name":"Commentary","link":"bib?categories[]=Commentary"},{"id":70,"category_name":"Nicomachean ethics","link":"bib?categories[]=Nicomachean ethics"},{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"},{"id":20,"category_name":"Plato","link":"bib?categories[]=Plato"},{"id":6,"category_name":"Albert","link":"bib?categories[]=Albert"},{"id":2,"category_name":"Aquinas","link":"bib?categories[]=Aquinas"}],"authors":[{"id":756,"full_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5565,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Endoxa","volume":"48","issue":"","pages":"15-46"}},"sort":[2021]}

The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato’s republic: Ibn Rushd’s perspective on the position and potential of women, 2021
By: Tineke Melkebeek
Title The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato’s republic: Ibn Rushd’s perspective on the position and potential of women
Type Article
Language English
Date 2021
Journal Islamology
Volume 11
Issue 1
Pages 9-23
Categories Commentary, Plato, Politics, Tradition and Reception
Author(s) Tineke Melkebeek
This paper investigates the twelfth-century commentary on Plato’s Republic by the Andalusian Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes). Ibn Rushd is considered to be the only Muslim philosopher who commented on the Republic. Written around 375 BC, Plato’s Republic discusses the order and character of a just city-state and contains revolutionary ideas on the position and qualities of women, which remained contested also in Ibn Rushd’s time. This Muslim philosopher is primarily known as the most esteemed commentator of Aristotle. However, for the lack of an Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Politics, Ibn Rushd commented on the political theory of Aristotle’s teacher, i.e. Plato’s Republic, instead. In his commentary, Ibn Rushd juxtaposes examples from Plato’s context and those from contemporary Muslim societies. Notably, when he diverges from the text, he does not drift off toward more patriarchal, Aristotelian interpretations. On the contrary, he argues that women are capable of being rulers and philosophers, that their true competencies remain unknown as long as they are deprived of education, and that this situation is detrimental to the flourishing of the city. This article aims to critically analyse Ibn Rushd’s statements on the position of women, as well as their reception in scholarly literature.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5808","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5808,"authors_free":[{"id":6729,"entry_id":5808,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Tineke Melkebeek","free_first_name":"Tineke ","free_last_name":"Melkebeek","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato\u2019s republic: Ibn Rushd\u2019s perspective on the position and potential of women","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato\u2019s republic: Ibn Rushd\u2019s perspective on the position and potential of women"},"abstract":"This paper investigates the twelfth-century commentary on Plato\u2019s Republic by the Andalusian Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes). Ibn Rushd is considered to be the only Muslim philosopher who commented on the Republic. Written around 375 BC, Plato\u2019s Republic discusses the order and character of a just city-state and contains revolutionary ideas on the position and qualities of women, which remained contested also in Ibn Rushd\u2019s time. This Muslim philosopher is primarily known as the most esteemed commentator of Aristotle. However, for the lack of an Arabic translation of Aristotle\u2019s Politics, Ibn Rushd commented on the political theory of Aristotle\u2019s teacher, i.e. Plato\u2019s Republic, instead. In his commentary, Ibn Rushd juxtaposes examples from Plato\u2019s context and those from contemporary Muslim societies. Notably, when he diverges from the text, he does not drift off toward more patriarchal, Aristotelian interpretations. On the contrary, he argues that women are capable of being rulers and philosophers, that their true competencies remain unknown as long as they are deprived of education, and that this situation is detrimental to the flourishing of the city. This article aims to critically analyse Ibn Rushd\u2019s statements on the position of women, as well as their reception in scholarly literature. ","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"10.24848\/islmlg.11.1.02","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":23,"category_name":"Commentary","link":"bib?categories[]=Commentary"},{"id":20,"category_name":"Plato","link":"bib?categories[]=Plato"},{"id":4,"category_name":"Politics","link":"bib?categories[]=Politics"},{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5808,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":" Islamology","volume":"11","issue":"1","pages":"9-23"}},"sort":[2021]}

La recepción de la ética aristotélica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval, 2021
By: Andrés Martínez Lorca
Title La recepción de la ética aristotélica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval
Translation The reception of the Aristotelian Ethics in Averroes and its influence on trhe medieval latin world
Type Article
Language Spanish
Date 2021
Journal Endoxa
Volume 48
Pages 15-46
Categories Aristotle, Commentary, Nicomachean ethics, Tradition and Reception, Plato, Albert, Aquinas
Author(s) Andrés Martínez Lorca
El pensamiento ético de Averroes apenas ha sido estudiado y ello a pesar de que es el nico filósofo islámico medieval del que se conserva un Comentario a la principal obra ristotélica sobre el tema, la Ética nicomáquea. El eje del presente trabajo es precisamente un nuevo análisis de ese Comentario a través de los conceptos de eudaimonía o felicidad, philía o amistad y tò díkaion o justicia.Averroes subraya los aspectos sociales y políticos apuntados por Aristóteles llegando a considerar el gobierno de los estados uno de los objetivos de su discurso ético. Asimismo, señala la preocupación de los legisladores por buscar la concordia civil que es considerada el mayor bien en las comunidades. Hay, pues, una conexión entre ética y política. Tiene, sin embargo, la hegemonía la política.Finalmente se considera este aspecto desatendido hasta ahora en la historiografía medieval: fue gracias al pensador andalusí como se produjo en el Occidente latino la recepción de la Ética nicomáquea de Aristóteles, obra que penetró en los círculos filosóficos y también en la cultura bajomedieval. La favorable acogida de los dos rincipales teólogos cristianos de la Edad Media, Alberto Magno y Tomás de Aquino, al Comentario de Averroes, traducido al latín por un obispo, ayudó a su difusión en el mundo medieval y más tarde en el Renacimiento. The ethical thought of Averroes has hardly been studied, and this despite the fact that he is the only medieval islamic philosopher whose Commentary on the main Aristotelian work on the subject, the Nicomachean Ethics, is preserved. The axis of this paper is precisely a new analysis of this Commentary through the concepts of eudaimonía or happiness, philía or friendship and tò díkaion or justice.Averroes underlines the social and political aspects pointed out by Aristotle, considering the government of the states one of the purposes of his ethical discourse. Likewise, he asserts the concern of legislators to seek civil harmony, which is considered the highest good in the communities. There is, consequently, a connection between ethics and politics. However, politics has the hegemony.Finally, is considered this neglected aspect so far in medieval historiography: it was thanks to the Andalusian thinker that was produced in the Latin West the reception of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, a work that entered philosophical circles and also late medieval culture. The favorable reception of the two main Christian theologians of the Middle Ages, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, to the Commentary of Averroes, translated into Latin by a bishop, contributed to its spreading in the medieval world and later the Renaissance.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5565","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5565,"authors_free":[{"id":6459,"entry_id":5565,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":1,"person_id":756,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca","free_first_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez ","free_last_name":"Lorca","norm_person":{"id":756,"first_name":"Andr\u00e9s","last_name":"Mart\u00ednez Lorca","full_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"http:\/\/\/gnd\/1047955687","viaf_url":"https:\/\/\/viaf\/51730671","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]=Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca"}}],"entry_title":"La recepci\u00f3n de la \u00e9tica aristot\u00e9lica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"The reception of the Aristotelian Ethics in Averroes and its influence on trhe medieval latin world","main_title":{"title":"La recepci\u00f3n de la \u00e9tica aristot\u00e9lica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval"},"abstract":"El pensamiento \u00e9tico de Averroes apenas ha sido estudiado y ello a pesar de que es el nico fil\u00f3sofo isl\u00e1mico medieval del que se conserva un Comentario a la principal obra ristot\u00e9lica sobre el tema, la \u00c9tica nicom\u00e1quea. El eje del presente trabajo es precisamente un nuevo an\u00e1lisis de ese Comentario a trav\u00e9s de los conceptos de eudaimon\u00eda o felicidad, phil\u00eda o amistad y t\u00f2 d\u00edkaion o justicia.Averroes subraya los aspectos sociales y pol\u00edticos apuntados por Arist\u00f3teles llegando a considerar el gobierno de los estados uno de los objetivos de su discurso \u00e9tico. Asimismo, se\u00f1ala la preocupaci\u00f3n de los legisladores por buscar la concordia civil que es considerada el mayor bien en las comunidades. Hay, pues, una conexi\u00f3n entre \u00e9tica y pol\u00edtica. Tiene, sin embargo, la hegemon\u00eda la pol\u00edtica.Finalmente se considera este aspecto desatendido hasta ahora en la historiograf\u00eda medieval: fue gracias al pensador andalus\u00ed como se produjo en el Occidente latino la recepci\u00f3n de la \u00c9tica nicom\u00e1quea de Arist\u00f3teles, obra que penetr\u00f3 en los c\u00edrculos filos\u00f3ficos y tambi\u00e9n en la cultura bajomedieval. La favorable acogida de los dos rincipales te\u00f3logos cristianos de la Edad Media, Alberto Magno y Tom\u00e1s de Aquino, al Comentario de Averroes, traducido al lat\u00edn por un obispo, ayud\u00f3 a su difusi\u00f3n en el mundo medieval y m\u00e1s tarde en el Renacimiento.\r\n\r\nThe ethical thought of Averroes has hardly been studied, and this despite the fact that he is the only medieval islamic philosopher whose Commentary on the main Aristotelian work on the subject, the Nicomachean Ethics, is preserved. The axis of this paper is precisely a new analysis of this Commentary through the concepts of eudaimon\u00eda or happiness, phil\u00eda or friendship and t\u00f2 d\u00edkaion or justice.Averroes underlines the social and political aspects pointed out by Aristotle, considering the government of the states one of the purposes of his ethical discourse. Likewise, he asserts the concern of legislators to seek civil harmony, which is considered the highest good in the communities. There is, consequently, a connection between ethics and politics. However, politics has the hegemony.Finally, is considered this neglected aspect so far in medieval historiography: it was thanks to the Andalusian thinker that was produced in the Latin West the reception of Aristotle\u2019s Nicomachean Ethics, a work that entered philosophical circles and also late medieval culture. The favorable reception of the two main Christian theologians of the Middle Ages, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, to the Commentary of Averroes, translated into Latin by a bishop, contributed to its spreading in the medieval world and later the Renaissance.","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"Spanish","online_url":"","doi_url":"https:\/\/\/10.5944\/endoxa.48.2021 (refers to the whole volume)","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":21,"category_name":"Aristotle","link":"bib?categories[]=Aristotle"},{"id":23,"category_name":"Commentary","link":"bib?categories[]=Commentary"},{"id":70,"category_name":"Nicomachean ethics","link":"bib?categories[]=Nicomachean ethics"},{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"},{"id":20,"category_name":"Plato","link":"bib?categories[]=Plato"},{"id":6,"category_name":"Albert","link":"bib?categories[]=Albert"},{"id":2,"category_name":"Aquinas","link":"bib?categories[]=Aquinas"}],"authors":[{"id":756,"full_name":"Andr\u00e9s Mart\u00ednez Lorca","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5565,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":"Endoxa","volume":"48","issue":"","pages":"15-46"}},"sort":["La recepci\u00f3n de la \u00e9tica aristot\u00e9lica en Averroes y su impacto en el mundo latino medieval"]}

The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato’s republic: Ibn Rushd’s perspective on the position and potential of women, 2021
By: Tineke Melkebeek
Title The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato’s republic: Ibn Rushd’s perspective on the position and potential of women
Type Article
Language English
Date 2021
Journal Islamology
Volume 11
Issue 1
Pages 9-23
Categories Commentary, Plato, Politics, Tradition and Reception
Author(s) Tineke Melkebeek
This paper investigates the twelfth-century commentary on Plato’s Republic by the Andalusian Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes). Ibn Rushd is considered to be the only Muslim philosopher who commented on the Republic. Written around 375 BC, Plato’s Republic discusses the order and character of a just city-state and contains revolutionary ideas on the position and qualities of women, which remained contested also in Ibn Rushd’s time. This Muslim philosopher is primarily known as the most esteemed commentator of Aristotle. However, for the lack of an Arabic translation of Aristotle’s Politics, Ibn Rushd commented on the political theory of Aristotle’s teacher, i.e. Plato’s Republic, instead. In his commentary, Ibn Rushd juxtaposes examples from Plato’s context and those from contemporary Muslim societies. Notably, when he diverges from the text, he does not drift off toward more patriarchal, Aristotelian interpretations. On the contrary, he argues that women are capable of being rulers and philosophers, that their true competencies remain unknown as long as they are deprived of education, and that this situation is detrimental to the flourishing of the city. This article aims to critically analyse Ibn Rushd’s statements on the position of women, as well as their reception in scholarly literature.

{"_index":"bib","_type":"_doc","_id":"5808","_score":null,"_source":{"id":5808,"authors_free":[{"id":6729,"entry_id":5808,"agent_type":"person","is_normalised":null,"person_id":903,"institution_id":null,"role":{"id":1,"role_name":"author"},"free_name":"Tineke Melkebeek","free_first_name":"Tineke ","free_last_name":"Melkebeek","norm_person":{"id":903,"first_name":"","last_name":"","full_name":"","short_ident":"","is_classical_name":0,"dnb_url":"","viaf_url":"","db_url":"","from_claudius":1,"link":"bib?authors[]="}}],"entry_title":"The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato\u2019s republic: Ibn Rushd\u2019s perspective on the position and potential of women","title_transcript":"","title_translation":"","main_title":{"title":"The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato\u2019s republic: Ibn Rushd\u2019s perspective on the position and potential of women"},"abstract":"This paper investigates the twelfth-century commentary on Plato\u2019s Republic by the Andalusian Muslim philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes). Ibn Rushd is considered to be the only Muslim philosopher who commented on the Republic. Written around 375 BC, Plato\u2019s Republic discusses the order and character of a just city-state and contains revolutionary ideas on the position and qualities of women, which remained contested also in Ibn Rushd\u2019s time. This Muslim philosopher is primarily known as the most esteemed commentator of Aristotle. However, for the lack of an Arabic translation of Aristotle\u2019s Politics, Ibn Rushd commented on the political theory of Aristotle\u2019s teacher, i.e. Plato\u2019s Republic, instead. In his commentary, Ibn Rushd juxtaposes examples from Plato\u2019s context and those from contemporary Muslim societies. Notably, when he diverges from the text, he does not drift off toward more patriarchal, Aristotelian interpretations. On the contrary, he argues that women are capable of being rulers and philosophers, that their true competencies remain unknown as long as they are deprived of education, and that this situation is detrimental to the flourishing of the city. This article aims to critically analyse Ibn Rushd\u2019s statements on the position of women, as well as their reception in scholarly literature. ","btype":3,"date":"2021","language":"English","online_url":"","doi_url":"10.24848\/islmlg.11.1.02","ti_url":"","categories":[{"id":23,"category_name":"Commentary","link":"bib?categories[]=Commentary"},{"id":20,"category_name":"Plato","link":"bib?categories[]=Plato"},{"id":4,"category_name":"Politics","link":"bib?categories[]=Politics"},{"id":43,"category_name":"Tradition and Reception","link":"bib?categories[]=Tradition and Reception"}],"authors":[{"id":903,"full_name":"","role":1}],"works":[],"republication_of":null,"translation_of":null,"new_edition_of":null,"book":null,"booksection":null,"article":{"id":5808,"journal_id":null,"journal_name":" Islamology","volume":"11","issue":"1","pages":"9-23"}},"sort":["The medieval Islamic commentary on Plato\u2019s republic: Ibn Rushd\u2019s perspective on the position and potential of women"]}

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